Introducing $AVG — An Overview of Avocado Guild’s Tokenomics

Avocado Guild
8 min readDec 22, 2021


Everything you need to know about $AVG, Avocado Guild’s token for governance and rewards.

Avocado Guild is a play-to-earn (P2E) guild that aims to unlock life-changing opportunities and rewarding experiences for its community members. Our mission is to unlock the hidden talents of our guild members by empowering them with the education, encouragement, and digital instruments they need to achieve their full potential in the metaverse. That all starts with our platform’s native token, $AVG.

Quick Overview

As the governance token for Avocado DAO, $AVG is an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum network that will be used for DAO governance, rewards, staking, liquidity mining, and utility within the platform’s ecosystem.

There will be an inventory of 1 billion $AVG tokens. This supply is fixed forever, with no further additions or removals from the total.

$AVG tokens will be made available during our public Token Launch Auction (TLA). This will be launched through a Balancer Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (BLBP). This TLA model provides open-access distribution of $AVG. More information on how to participate will be announced at a later date.

For complete transparency, the following is our vesting schedule, as well as an allocation chart for the various holders of $AVG.

Rewards and Benefits of $AVG Within Avocado Guild’s Ecosystem

What makes P2E technology so revolutionary is its ability to activate guilds and empower local communities from anywhere in the world.. All $AVG holders can earn rewards through staking, referrals, helping with DAO growth, community event operations, and managing the DAO operations.

Avocado Guild members can contribute to our DAO by participating in horizontal game integration, completing educational courses on crypto, or excelling in guild operations and being promoted to guild managers, leaders, and masters. Ecosystem and community tokens will be rewarded to the community for their contribution to benefit the DAO ecosystem.

Other than taking part in the public sale, Avocadians can also earn $AVG rewards in the following ways:

Community Rewards — Rewards for contributing to Avocado Guild’s community, such as hosting community events, becoming a guild leader, or even participating in e-sports tournaments on behalf of the guild

Staking Rewards — Token holders will be able to stake their $AVG for attractive yields

$AVG Token holders will also benefit from the following in the future:

● Eligibility for potential airdrops by our gaming partners

● Eligibility to be a beta-tester for new games and content creation in those games, e.g., worlds in The Sandbox

● Staking to farm yield from the DAO’s economic activities along with various partnership vaults that leverage off DeFi protocols.

Ultimately, these use cases do not end here. We are in a constant flux of development and improvement, and these use cases will only continue to increase as we grow.

New technologies will be implemented over time that will allow for Avocado DAO governance proposals to pilot changes across the guild, from scholarship management to game investment strategies. These proposals can be suggested and voted upon by $AVG token holders, and token rewards will be awarded for passed proposals. We’ll cover everything related to Avocado DAO in a future article.

Token Release Schedule

Avocado Guild has designed a release schedule for every $AVG holder, including our team. Our 6-year plan ensures that there will be no rug-pulls and prevents users from dumping $AVG.

About Avocado Guild

At the heart of every gamer is the desire to succeed and lead a better life. Avocado Guild is a play-to-earn guild that aims to unlock life-changing opportunities and rewarding experiences for its community members. Avocado Guild underlines the value of inspiring positive impacts on people’s lives. Our mission is to unlock the hidden talent of our guild members by empowering them with the education, encouragement, and digital tools they need to achieve their full potential in the metaverse.



Avocado Guild

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